Puerto Almanza

Puerto Almanza is a small village in Tierra del Fuego on the northern shore of the Beagle Channel. It lies about 3km west from another settlement on the channel called Almirante Brown and its almost opposite to the Chilean port of Puerto Williams.

It's mostly a resting point for fishermen and is an access point to some local ranches in Tierra del Fuego when roads are cut due to bad weather.

Map of Puerto Almanza

Nearby landmarks

Trips that visit Puerto Almanza

Highlights of Tierra del Fuego

Get under the skin of Ushuaia and Tierra del Fuego, whilst basing yourself in a comfy hotel in town. Enjoy a diverse range of day trips: hiking in the Tierra del Feugo National Park, navigating the fabled Beagle Channel, canoeing…

  • 5 Days
  • $1,550