Puerto Aguirre

Puerto Aguirre is a small fishing port. It is possible to spend some time exploring this quaint village on an aventure cruise.

Map of Puerto Aguirre

Nearby landmarks

Trips that visit Puerto Aguirre

Nomads of Patagonia Route (Alacalufe)

Sail through the Northern and Southern ice fields, through fjords and channels, getting to know remote fishermen villages, enjoying hot springs and majestic…

  • 9 Days
  • $2,000
Northern Patagonia Fjords Cruise

Voyage to the most remote and spectacular corners of the Northern Chilean fjords, stopping at tiny villages and hot springs en-route. Visit Chiloé Island, spot penguins and explore the stunning San Rafael Glacier in solitude. This unique small ship cruise…

  • 6 Days
  • $2,520